Community Partners and Nonprofit INC

We’re pending nonprofit status!

This means we’re looking for sponsors, partners, and anyone else who wishes to bring affordable and accessible counseling services to southwestern Indiana and beyond. Wondering who called you out of nowhere to talk about what we’re building? You found him.

A Better Way is also applying for grants who stipulate community partners that believe in the mission, values, and accountable effect we aim to have. To talk about all of this and more we’ll be looking for said partners in the coming weeks. Anyone who donates, be it in service to their business or in the name of someone they care about, will be represented on our site if they so choose.

If you found us organically and wish to learn more or contribute, don’t hesitate to reach out! or 219-613-8620.


We’re Official! Nonprofit Status Achieved!


11/10/2023 Good News Everyone!